Main activity
- Experimental determination of fracture mechanics parameters under static and cyclic load according to ASTM standards.
- For example:
- Fracture toughness KIC at room temperature or at negative temperatures down to -80°C.
- Parameters C and m to describe the Paris range for crack propagation under cyclic loading
- Threshold value Delta-Kth under cyclic loading
- Assessment of damage cases regarding crack initiation and crack propagation
- Fracture mechanical strength verification according to the guideline of the Research Board for Mechanical Engineering (FKM)
- Evaluation of cracks and their growth capacity with analytical (FRACSAFE) and numerical (FEM / XFEM) methods
Research topics
- Influence of stress multiaxiality on cyclic crack propagation
- Integral fracture mechanics determination of the fatigue strength of welded joints (IBESS)
- Determination of the intrinsic threshold value Delta-Kth,eff for the assessment of the growth capacity of cracks
- Threshold value determination on metallic materials with hardened edge layer
- Pressure swelling and its influence on the threshold value