MPA-IfW Darmstadt
Welcome to the Competence Field “Construction Materials”. Here you will find our various and specific competences.
Testing, monitoring and certification are conducted in sectors regulated by law as well as sectors not regulated by law. Furthermore, research work, development assignments, failure analyses and construction unit simulations in the different fields of expertise are processed.
The different focal points correspond to the fields of expertise
Furthermore, in the area of expertise Construction Materials, reference materials for the grinding material industry are manufactured. Likewise, these reference materials are sold and arbitration tests are conducted in this field by the area of expertise. The monitoring of prefabricated timber building elements round off the range of services offered.
The area of expertise Construction Materials is accredited for a multiplicity of the mentioned investigations by the DAKKS and recognized by the DIBt both on the basis of federal state building regulations (Landesbauordnung, national) and the building product regulation (CPR, European).
The State Materials Testing Institute is registered under the number 1343 and recognized as a notified body of the European commission in Brussels.
The cooperation in a multiplicity of regulatory committees is a guarantor for the topicality of our knowledge.